GLMC Calendar
- Everyday Mar 1-Sep 30 GLMC Grand Tour March 1 to September 30.
- Sunday April 25 Off-Road Poker Run And Hare Scramble, Offroad Trail Area, South Shore, SD
- Sunday May 30 Bonzai Road Rally, La Crosse, WI
- Saturday July 24-25 GLMC Campout and Pot Luck Picnic, Roscoe, MN
- Saturday August 7-8 GLMC Dual Sport Rally, Glenwood, MN
- Saturday Oct 23 Year End Banquet, Watertown
- Everyday Mar 1-Sep 30 GLMC Grand Tour March 1 to September 30.
- Saturday March 2 PopCylcle Derby, March 2, Dennison, MN
- Sunday May 12 Off-Road Poker Run And Hare Scramble, Offroad Trail Area, South Shore, SD
- Sunday May 26 Bonzai Road Rally, Ossian, IA
- Saturday June 8-9 Hyder Seek, Hyder, AK
- Saturday July 26-27 GLMC Campout and Pot Luck Picnic, Roscoe, MN
- Sunday Sept 1 Buffalo Run Road Rally, North Branch, MN
- Saturday Oct 5 Harvest Road Rally, Hutchinson, MN
- Saturday Oct 19 (tent) Year End Banquet, Watertown
- Everyday All Summer GLMC “est” Grand Tour March 1 to September 30.
- Saturday March 3 PopCylcle Derby, Dennison, MN
- Sunday April ?? GLMC 2018 Spring Kickoff Meeting - Date and Location TBA
- Sunday May 27 Bonzai Road Rally, LaCrosse, WI
- Saturday July 27-30 GLMC Campout and Pot Luck Picnic, Roscoe, MN
- Sunday Sept 2 Buffalo Run Road Rally, North Branch, MN
- Sunday Sept 23 Off-Road Poker Run And Hare Scramble, Offroad Trail Area, South Shore, SD
- Saturday Sept 29 Harvest Road Rally, Hutchinson, MN
- Saturday Oct 20 Year End Banquet, Watertown
- Everyday All Summer Americana II Grand Tour April 1 to September 30.
- Saturday March 4 PopCylcle Derby, Dennison, MN
- Sunday March 5 GLMC 2017 Spring Kickoff Meeting Noon, Niesen's Bar, 300 Dorans St, Biscay, MN
- Sunday TBA Off-Road Poker Run And Hare Scramble, Offroad Trail Area, South Shore, SD
- Sunday May 28 Bonzai Road Rally, LaCrosse, WI
- Saturday July 29 GLMC Campout and Pot Luck Picnic, Roscoe, MN
- Saturday Sept 3 Buffalo Run Road Rally, North Sioux City, SD
- Saturday Sept 10-17 Dakota Adventure Loop Week with Jack, Western SD
- Saturday Sept 30 Harvest Road Rally, Hutchinson, MN
- Everyday All Summer Americana Grand Tour (April 1 to September 30).
- Saturday March 5 PopCylcle Derby, Dennison, MN
- Sunday March 6 GLMC 2015 Spring Kickoff Meeting Noon, Niesen's Bar, 300 Dorans St, Biscay, MN
- Sunday April 17 Off-Road Poker Run And Hare Scramble, Offroad Trail Area, Watertown, SD
- Sunday May 29 Bonzai Road Rally, LaCrosse, WI
- Saturday July 30-31 GLMC Social Campout and Pot Luck
- Saturday Sept 4 Buffalo Run Road Rally, North Sioux City, SD
- Saturday October 1 Harvest Road Rally, Hutchinson, MN
- Saturday October ?? GLMC 2016 End of Year Banquet, Watertown, SD
- Everyday All Summer Grand Tour (April 1 to September 30)
- Sunday March 15 GLMC 2015 Spring Kickoff Banquet, Hutchinson, MN
- Sunday May 3 Off-Road Poker Run And Hare Scramble, Offroad Trail Area, Watertown, SD
- Sunday May 24 Bonzai Road Rally, Hudson, WI
- Sunday June 27 Dual Sport Adventure Rally, Underwood, IA
- Saturday July 18 Barn Bike Enduro, Paynesville, MN
- Sunday Sept 6 Buffalo Run Road Rally, Sturgis, SD
- Saturday October 3 Harvest Road Rally, Hutchinson, MN
- Saturday October 24 GLMC 2015 End of Year Banquet, Watertown, SD
- Wednesday Monthly GLMC Meeting at the Motocycle Shop, 8pm (First Wednesday of month)
- Sunday May 21 Spring Trail Area Cleanup
- Sunday May 28 Bonzai Road Rally
- Sunday June 4 Off-Road Poker Run
- Sunday August 20 GLMC Corn Feed ride
- Sunday September 3 Buffalo Run Road Rally
- Sunday September 17 Fall Trail Ride & BBQ at the South Shore Off-Road Area
- Sunday September 25 Fall Leaf Ride
- Saturday September 30-1 Fall Foliage Foray (overnight group ride)
- Saturday October 7 Harvest Road Rally
- Wednesday Monthly GLMC Meeting at the Motocycle Shop, 8pm (First Wednesday of month)
- Summer April-October Saint SomeWhere Grand Tour
- Sunday May 15 Spring Trail Area Cleanup
- Sunday May 29 Bonzai Road Rally
- Sunday June 12 Spring Group Ride
- Sunday August 21 GLMC Corn Feed ride
- Sunday September 4 Buffalo Run Road Rally
- Sunday September 18 Fall Trail Ride & BBQ at the South Shore Off-Road Area
- Sunday September 25 Fall Leaf Ride
- Saturday October 1 Harvest Road Rally
- Saturday October 8-9 Fall Foliage Foray (overnight group ride)
- Thursday All Season Evening Off-Road Riding at South Shore
- Wednesday Monthly GLMC Meeting at the Motocycle Shop, 8pm (First Wednesday of each month except August)
- Sunday May 16 Spring Trail Area Cleanup
- Saturday May 30 Bonzai Road Rally
- Sunday June 13 Spring Group Ride
- Sunday August 1 GLMC Corn Feed ride (Membership Renewals Due) Meeting and Officer elections held at the Corn feed
- Sunday September 5 Buffalo Run Road Rally
- Sunday September 19 Fall Trail Ride & BBQ at the South Shore Off-Road Area
- Sunday September 26 Fall Leaf Ride
- Saturday October 9-10 Fall Foliage Foray (overnight group ride)
- Sunday May 18 Spring Windmill Ride Meet at the Motocycle Shop at 11am
- Saturday May 24 Bonzai Road Rally
- Saturday June 14-16 Teamstrange event, Minnesota 1000
- Wednesday July 2 8pm Meeting at the Motocycle Shop
- Wednesday July 16 National Ride To Work Day
- Sunday July 21 Grasshopper Road Rally (6 hour event) Details to follow
- Sunday August 3 GLMC Corn Feed ride (Membership Renewals Due) Meeting and Officer elections held at the Corn feed
- Sunday August 31 Buffalo Run Road Rally
- Wednesday September 3 8pm Meeting at the Motocycle Shop
- Sunday September 7 Fall Trail Ride & BBQ at the South Shore Off-Road Area
- Saturday September 13 Glacial Lakes 1500
- Sunday September 28 Fall Leaf Ride (details to follow)
- Wednesday October 1 8pm Meeting at the Motocycle Shop
- Saturday October 11-12 Fall Foliage Foray (overnight group ride)
- Wednesday November 5 8pm Meeting at the Motocycle Shop
- Wednesday December 3 8pm Meeting at the Motocycle Shop
G.L.M.C. •
47746 - 153 Street •
Milbank, SD 57252